Adding and Subtracting Fractions with the Like Denominators

To add or subtract two fractions with the same denominator we add or subtract their numerators and divide by the denominator. Answers should always be reduced to lowest terms. Examples:
  • 1/8 + 3/8 = [1 + 3]/8 = 4/8 = 1/2
  • [7t]/[10s] - [3t]/[10s] = [7t - 3t]/10s = [4t]/[10s] = [2t]/[5s]
  • [2x]/[x + 1] + 2/[x + 1] = [2x + 2]/[x + 1] = [2(x + 1)]/[x + 1] = 2
  • [3x + 1]/[x + 3] - [x - 5]/[x + 3] = {[3x + 1] - [x - 5]}/[x + 3] = {3x + 1 - x + 5}/[x + 3] = {2x + 6}/[x + 3] = [2(x + 3)]/[x + 3] = 2 Warning: When you subtract the numerator, x - 5, of the second fraction from the numerator, 3x + 1, of the first you must put the numerator of the second inside a symbol of grouping to indicate the whole polynomial is to be subtracted from the first polynomial.

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