Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators Fractions

To add or subtract two fractions with unlike denominator we
  • Find the LCD (Least Common Denominator) for each fraction.
  • Express each fraction as an equivalent fraction whose denominator is the LCD for the two fractions.
  • Add the fractions.
  • 2/9 + 1/6 LCD is 18. =[2(2)]/[9(2)] + [1(3)]/[6(3)] = 4/18 + 3/18 = 7/18
  • 5/[3a] + 1/[12ab] LCD is 12ab. = [5(4b)/[3a(4b)] + 1/[12ab] = [20b]/[12ab] + 1/[12ab] = [20b + 1]/[12ab]
  • [2x]/[x² + 4x + 4] + 3/[x² - 4] = [2x]/[[(x + 2)² ] + 3/[(x + 2)(x - 2)] LCD is (x + 2)² (x - 2). = [2x(x - 2)/[(x + 2)² (x - 2)] + [3(x + 2)]/[(x + 2)² (x - 2)] = [2x² - 4x]/[(x + 2)² (x - 2)] + [3x + 6]/[(x + 2)² (x - 2)] = [(2x² - 4x)+(3x + 6)]/[(x + 2)² (x - 2)] = [2x² - 4x + 3x + 6]/[(x + 2)² (x - 2)] = [2x² - x + 6]/[(x + 2)² (x - 2)]

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